Better Before Bigger

August 5, 2016


The management team would like to announce that Ranger Drilling achieved certification to Australian and New Zealand standard (AS/NZS) 4801 Occupational Health & Safety Management System in February of this year.

Certification to the requirements of the standard is no small achievement and involved a lot of work across the company over the last eight months. The management team would like to thank all those personnel who participated in the system enhancement or were involved in the certification audit process


What are the benefits of AS/NZS 4801 certification?

With the growth of the company Ranger needed to ensure that the health and safety of our personnel was managed in a structured and consistent way to ensure that:

  • Everyone receives required training and information, that you are competent and safe in doing your job and are familiar in actions to take if something is different or goes wrong;
  • The way hazards and risks are identified and managed are well informed and consistent;
  • A communication and consultation is in place so everyone can contribute in their own safety management and provide system improvements.

Certification also:

  • Provides our clients with the confidence that we are meeting our legal and regulatory requirements, that our systems of work are safe, robust and will facilitate positive outcomes; and
  • Bolsters our commitment to our staff in ensuring a safe place to work.


Where next

Achieving the certification is only the beginning of the journey and we will ensure that the requirements of the certification are met by all our staff through our actions and processes whilst investigating improvements in the way we work and the equipment we use.