Full Steam Ahead
This month we are full steam ahead; all of our rigs are operating and we are currently in the process of obtaining another rig to meet our client’s demands.
The usual wet season has been a challenge in the Pilbara this year. The crews have utilised the down time effectively through maintenance and by carrying out training and verification of competency assessments. We trust the winter in the Pilbara will not be as wet as last year!
We have secured long term contracts in the Pilbara with notable miners for ten of our rigs, which are drilling for iron ore. At Capricorn, we have one rig drilling for gold, which is also in the Pilbara; and a short contract for one rig with Kingston Resources, currently about to finish before being mobilised straight to Encounter Resources in their West Telfer projects, where it will drill for copper and gold.
We are also very excited to have secured a contract with Gold Road Resources, and will be drilling at the Yamarna Greenstone Belt in the Goldfields. This location brings back a lot of memories for Ranger Drilling as it’s very close to our first major contract. We look forward to establishing a long-term relationship with Gold Road Resources.
We have also featured in an article on Mining News; if you have a subscription or login you can read the full article here: Mining News.
We anticipate that we’ll be met with continued activity similar to last year. We are in a great and positive current market position due to our retention of existing clients and contracts, and many potential opportunities on the horizon!